/ 10
Uptime, 30 days
Response Time, 30 days
Shared IPs, today
Hosted Websites, today
WebzPro Uptime, %
ranking data
not ranking data
WebzPro Response, ms
WebzPro IPs / Sites in Rating
Shared IPs
Total WebzPro IPs / Sites
Shared IPs
Bad Shared IPs Count by Date
visit provider
Here is the list of WebzPro.com shared IPs where domains experienced downtime for the previous 7 days. The statistics is presented for each day, with the number of shared IPs and their domains' downtime data.
Date Total Shared IPs Bad Shared IPs Total IPs Downtime Affected Sites
2024-10-17 - - - -
2024-10-16 - - - -
2024-10-15 - - - -
2024-10-14 - - - -
2024-10-13 - - - -
2024-10-12 - - - -
2024-10-11 - - - -
Last 6 Months Performance Values
visit provider
Month HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
Sep 2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Aug 2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Jul 2024 9.6 9 100 438 -8 0
Jun 2024 9.6 9 100 524 0 0
May 2024 9.6 11 100 503 0 0
Apr 2024 9.6 9 100 514 0 0
Performance by Years
visit provider
Year HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
2018 8.8 11 100 491 -53 0
2019 7.7 44 99.954 395 +2 -2
2020 9.2 4 99.991 510 -37 0
2021 7.2 53 61.326 399 -24 0
2022 9.0 8 99.992 795 +1 0
2023 9.1 7 99.992 697 -295 0
2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -

WebzPro.com Review

visit provider
WebzPro.com Thumbnail


Business Name: WebzPro

Year of foundation: 2004

Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

BBB Accreditation: No

Market Size: > 600 websites (#147 HRank list)

Growth Status: (by websites quantity): Decreasing

WebzPro.com is an American web hosting company that started as DWHS Inc. in 2001 by corporate webmasters and now offer affordable and professional hosting services.

Offers and Pricing

Shared Hosting Plans
Name Domains Disk Bandwidth Min Price Billing Term
Economy 3 3 Gb 150 Gb $3.65 12 Mo
Plus Unlim 6 Gb 250 Gb $5 12 Mo
Advanced Unlim 12 Gb 500 Gb $9 12 Mo
Pro Unlim 18 Gb 750 Gb $13.9 12 Mo

Their 4 shared hosting plans are quite affordable: Economy price for a 1-year plan is $3.65/mo. Not bad.

  • They also offer:
  • Reseller hosting,
  • Semi-dedicated hosting,
  • Dedicated servers,
  • also, they assist with domain registration.

WebzPro.com offers high end but low-cost web hosting solutions at the same time. The company provides money-back guarantee for any shared service within the first 30 days of sign up as well as a 99.9% uptime guarantee.


Instant Technical Live Support: Yes

WebzPro.com support chat

WebzPro has only positive reviews on the Internet and it’s not surprising as the company is reliable, has good technical support and their services are reasonably priced, so they exceed the expectations of their customers.

Customers (present and perspective) are welcome to contact the provider by mail, contact form and phone numbers.

And there is a live chat that works all right, you can get some basic tech help via a live chat.

WebzPro Summary Analysis by HRank

The 11th position on our list and 8.8 HRank in 2018 and 7.7 HRank with 44th position in 2019.

Their “99.9% uptime guarantee” proved to be true as WebzPro.com is one of the providers with perfect uptime since we started monitoring in August 2018, just 2 bad cases in April 2019 (95,47% uptime) and in June 2019 (97,92% uptime).

The provider also had an average response time in the range of 500ms – 600ms, a good average.

It’s very bad that such a good hosting provider loses domains.

Yet, while WebzPro.com has 100% uptime, it is not the 1st in HRank. As we have mentioned in our What Is Hrank section, apart from uptime, 24/7 support and site quality are also taken into consideration.

Last updated March 16, 2020
Reviewed by Siarhei Kulich
Co-founder and CTO of HRank.com - a hosting uptime monitoring website. Siarhei has more than 20 years experience in web developing and web hosting.
Connect: Website, LinkedIn
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